Sunshine Coast | Kayak | Catamaran | SUP | Windsurfing | Sailboarding | Kitesurfing

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    Note: Put 'Golden Beach Hire' into Google Maps, and it will take you to our spot on the beach, at the corner of Gregory St. and Esplanade, Golden Beach, located directly on the water.  We are located about 400 metres to the south of Bill's Motorboat Hire, just before the lighthouse/navigation beacon.

    Please proceed to the red bubble indicated on the map, not Wills Avenue.

    A useful landmark to finding us from the water and on the road is the Golden Beach Lighthouse/Navigation Beacon (Description: Roughly 25 metres in height, painted white, very thin just a few metres wide, located about 40 metres South of Golden Beach Hire)

    Click on the marker for directions or contact us on 0401 657 830